Effec've date: (02/10/2021)
The following terms and expressions, when used with uppercase ini'als, have the meaning aBribu- ted to them in the General Terms and Condi'ons of Use of the Services of
When you use our Site, we may ask you to provide us with personal data about yourself.
The term "personal data" refers to all data that allows an individual to be iden'fied, which corres- ponds in par'cular to your surname, first names, pseudonym, photograph, postal and e-mail ad- dresses, telephone numbers, date of birth, data rela'ng to your transac'ons on the Site, details of your purchases and subscrip'ons, credit card numbers, SIRET, intra-Community VAT number, as well as any other informa'on that you choose to communicate to us about you.
collect your personal data, in the strictest respect of your rights.
In this respect, we inform you that we comply, in the collec'on and management of your personal data, with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 rela'ng to computers, files and freedoms, in its current version (hereinaSer: the "Data Protec7on Act"), as well as Regula'on (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protec'on of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinaSer: the "RGPD").
The person responsible for collec'ng your personal data is the company running under EDM REKORDS, We are registered in England and Wales under company number 12016861 and our registered office is at 29-31 Parliament Street, Liverpool, England, L8 5RN.
The legal basis for our collec'on of your personal data is as follows:
Your personal data is collected for one or more of the following purposes:
ment of ar'sts,
so, we give you the op'on to express your refusal to do so at the 'me of collec'on
of your data,
online gambling and games of chance subject to the approval of the Online Gaming
Regulatory Authority,
and Services,
personal data, if certain data must be filled in or if they are op'onal (by asterisks visible on the Site). We also inform you of the possible consequences of a lack of response.
When collec'ng your personal data, we will inform you whether certain data must be provided or whether it is op'onal. We also inform you of the possible consequences of a lack of response.
Will have access to your personal data :
Your personal data may also be received by public bodies, exclusively to meet our legal obliga'ons, court officials, judicial officers and bodies responsible for debt collec'on.
Your personal data will not be kept beyond the dura'on strictly necessary for the manage- ment of our business rela'onship with you.
However, data that allow proof of a right or a contract to be established, which must be kept in order to comply with a legal obliga'on, will be kept for the period provided for by the law in force.
Concerning possible prospec'ng opera'ons for Clients, their data may be kept for a period of three (3) years from the end of the commercial rela'onship.
Personal data rela'ng to a prospect, non-Customer, may be kept for a period of three (3) years from the date of collec'on or from the last contact from the prospect. At the end of this three (3) year period, we may contact you again to find out if you wish to con'nue to receive commercial solicita'ons.
For the purposes of the Services, this payment service provider may be the recipient of your personal data rela'ng to your credit card numbers, which it collects and stores in our name and on our behalf.
We do not have access to this data.
To enable you to make regular purchases or pay related fees on the Site, your credit card informa'on is kept during the 'me of your registra'on on the Site and at least un'l you make your last transac'on.
By having checked the box expressly provided for this purpose on the Site, you give us your express consent for this conserva'on.
The data rela'ng to the visual cryptogram or CVV2, wriBen on your credit card, are not sto- red.
If you refuse to have your personal data rela'ng to your credit card numbers kept under the condi'ons specified above, we will not keep this data beyond the 'me necessary to allow the transac'on to be carried out.
In any event, the data rela'ng to these may be kept, for the purpose of proof in the event of any dispute over the transac'on, in intermediate archives for the period provided for in Ar'cle L 133-24 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, in this case thirteen (13) months following the debit date. This period may be extended to fiSeen (15) months in order to take into account the possibility of using deferred debit cards.
(iv) Concerning the management of the lists of opposi7on to receive prospec7ng: The informa'on allowing to take into account your right of opposi'on is kept at least
three (3) years as from the exercise of the right of opposi'on.
(v) Concerning audience measurement sta7s7cs: The informa'on stored in the Users' terminal or any other element used to iden'fy Users and allowing their traceability or aBendance will not be kept beyond thirteen (13) months.
We inform you to take all useful precau'ons and appropriate organiza'onal and technical measures to preserve the security, integrity and confiden'ality of your personal data and, in par'cular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third par'es. We also use secure payment systems that comply with the state of the art and applicable regula'ons.
We inform you that your data is kept and stored for the dura'on of its conserva'on on the ser- vers of the company Amazon Web Services, located in the European Union.
Your data may be transferred outside the European Union in the context of the tools we use and our rela'ons with our subcontractors (see Ar'cle 5 "Recipients of the data collected").
This transfer is secured using the following tools:
level of protec'on by a decision of the European Commission;
of your data outside the European Union, on the basis of the standard contractual clauses between a data controller and a processor approved by the European Commission.
You have the right to obtain communica'on and, if necessary, correc'on or dele'on of data concerning you, through online access to your Personal Space.
You may also contact the contact point iden'fied in Ar'cle 16.
You have the right to obtain the limita'on of the processing of your personal data, in the cases de- fined in ar'cle 18 of the RGPD :
cessing of your personal data.
Persons whose data is collected on the basis of our legi'mate interest, as men'oned in Ar'cle 4, are reminded that they may at any 'me oppose the processing of data concerning them. We may, however, be led to con'nue processing if there are legi'mate reasons for the processing that pre- vail over your rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary to ascertain, exercise or defend our rights in court.
You can unsubscribe from our promo'onal emails via the link provided in the emails. Even if you choose to stop receiving promo'onal messages from us, you will con'nue to receive our adminis- tra've messages.
12.Right to set guidelines for data processing aVer your death
You have the right to set guidelines for the storage, dele'on and disclosure of your personal data
aSer your death.
These guidelines may be general, i.e., they apply to all personal data concerning you. In this case, they must be registered with a trusted digital third party cer'fied by the CNIL.
The guidelines may also be specific to the data processed by our company. In this case, they should be sent to us at the address indicated in ar'cle 16.
By providing us with such instruc'ons, you expressly consent to the reten'on, transmission and performance of such instruc'ons on the terms and condi'ons set forth herein.
You may designate in your instruc'ons a person responsible for their execu'on. This person will then have the authority, aSer your death, to take note of your instruc'ons and to request that we implement them. Failing designa'on, your heirs will have the right to take note of your instruc'ons upon your death and to ask us to implement them.
You may change or revoke your instruc'ons at any 'me by wri'ng to us at the contact details pro- vided in Ar'cle 16.
13.Portability of your personal data
You have a right to the portability of the personal data that you have provided us, understood as the data that you have ac'vely and consciously declared within the framework of access and use of the Services, as well as the data generated by your ac'vity within the framework of the use of the Services. We remind you that this right does not apply to data collected and processed on any legal basis other than consent or the execu'on of the contract binding us.
This right may be exercised free of charge, at any 'me, and in par'cular when closing your account on the Plamorm, in order to retrieve and keep your personal data.
Within this framework, we will send you your personal data, by any means deemed useful, in a standard open format that is commonly used and machine-readable, in accordance with the state of the art.
14.Filing a claim before a supervisory authority
You are also informed that you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority (the Commission Na'onale Informa'que et Libertés for France) in the Member State in which your habitual residence, your place of work or the place where the viola'on of your rights
would have been commiBed, if you consider that the processing of your personal data subject to this charter cons'tutes a viola'on of the applicable texts.
This recourse may be exercised without prejudice to any other recourse before an administra've or judicial court. Indeed, you also have the right to an effec've administra've or jurisdic'onal re- course if you consider that the processing of your personal data subject of the present charter cons'tutes a viola'on of the applicable texts.
If you have any ques'ons regarding our processing ac'vi'es, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights, you can contact us at the following coordinates:
- e-mail address: [email protected]
- We are registered in England and Wales under company number 12016861 and our registered office is at 29-31 Parliament Street, Liverpool, England, L8 5RN.
We reserve the right, at our sole discre'on, to modify this Policy, in whole or in part, at any 'me. These modifica'ons will come into force as of the publica'on of the new Charter. Your use of the Site following the coming into force of these modifica'ons will be deemed to be recogni'on and acceptance of the new Charter. If you do not agree with the new Charter, you should no longer ac- cess the Site.
Appendix - Cookie Policy
During your naviga'on on our Site, cookies, pixels and other tracers (hereinaSer referred to together as "Cookies") are deposited on your browser.
A cookie is a small, oSen encrypted file stored in your browser or device and iden'fied by a name. It is deposited when you visit a site or applica'on. Each 'me you return to that site or applica'on, the Cookie is retrieved from your browser or device. Thus, each 'me you consult the site or applica'on, the browser is recognized.
The deposit of these Cookies is likely to allow us to access your naviga'on data and/or personal data concerning you.
Technical and func'onal Cookies are necessary for the proper func'oning of the Site and to provide you with our services. They are used throughout your naviga'on, in order to facilitate it and to per- form certain func'ons.
For example, a Technical Cookie may be used to store your responses to a form or your preferences regarding the language or layout of the Site, where such op'ons are available.
We use the following technical and func'onal Cookies:
Cookie Name
Cookie Func7on
Shelf life
authCreateUser- Backup
Backup system to keep user in- forma7on during the registra- 7on of an influencer ("user" data)
Un7l registra7on is finalized
"backupSes- sion_" + <id>
Backup system to allow swit- ching from one account to ano- ther once the two are linked
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
flowSignupBa- ckUp
Backup system to keep the user's informa7on un7l the ar- 7st or representa7ve registra- 7on is finalized
Un7l registra7on is finalized
Allows to know if the user (ar- 7st or representa7ve) has given his authoriza7on of the general condi7ons of services concer- ning the addi7on of files (mp3, photos etc. ...) on the placorm when an influencer makes the request
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
createBaseIn- fluencerBackup
Backup system to keep the user's informa7on during the registra7on of an influencer (country data, en7ty name...)
Un7l registra7on is finalized
patchLinkIn- fluencerBackup
Backup system to keep the user's informa7on during the registra7on of an influencer (link data of the influencer's site ...)
Un7l registra7on is finalized
patchSubsAnd- GenreBackup
Backup system to keep the user's informa7on during the registra7on of an influencer (fa- vorite genres and sub-genres data...)
Un7l registra7on is finalized
wa_pastille_la- test_sharing
Keep informa7on about the last no7fica7on of a piece that is wai7ng to be shared seen by the user
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
needsWarmWel- come
Allows to know that the in- fluencer has just finished his registra7on
Un7l registra7on is complete and the user is redirected
displayInfluen- cerValidation- Message
Allows to know that the in- fluencer has just finished his registra7on
Until registration is complete and the user is redirected
"last_notif_- seen_" + id
Keep informa7on about the last no7fica7on seen by the user
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
filter_backup_ + e.key
Backup system to store the se- lected filters on the page that shows all influencers
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Allows to know if the user has given his authoriza7on of the general condi7ons of services of the site
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Backup system to keep the ini- 7al choice of the user's lan- guage in memory
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Backup system to keep track of a poten7al change in the user's language
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
allows to know if a user has cli- cked on an influencing widget to get to the site
7 days
Allows authentication
CSRF Security
Facebook SDK
Authentication via Face- book
➢ Adver7sing cookies
Adver'sing Cookies may be created not only by our Site but also by other websites and applica'ons
that serve ads, announcements, widgets or other elements on the page displayed.
These Cookies may be used, among other things, to personalize and measure the effec'veness of ad- ver'sing or to carry out adver'sing targe'ng.
We use the following adver'sing Cookies:
Cookie Name
Cookie Func7on
Shelf life
Facebook pixel
Facebook analy7cs
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
➢ Content personaliza7on cookies
Content Personaliza'on Cookies allow us to provide you with content that is most likely to match your interests based on your browsing profile. Your browsing profile is established according to the content you have already consulted.
We do not use Content Personaliza'on Cookies.
➢ Social network cookies
Social Network Cookies allow you to share content from our Site on social networks and to make your opinion or consulta'on of our Services known on these networks by clicking on the "like" and "share" links.
These Cookies may also make it possible to trace users' browsing on the Site.
We invite you to consult the privacy protec'on policies of the social networks behind these Cookies, to learn about the purposes of use of the browsing informa'on they may collect through these Co- okies and the terms of exercising your rights with these social networks.
We do not use Social Network Cookies.
➢ Analy7cal cookies
These Cookies allow us to measure the number of visits, the number of page views and user ac'vity. If necessary, they may collect your IP address to determine the city from which you are connec'ng. Analy'cal Cookies allow us to generate sta's'cs on the use and naviga'on of our Site in order to im- prove our performance. Cookies also allow us to iden'fy naviga'on problems and eventually to solve them.
We use the following Analy'cal Cookies:
Cookie Name
Cookie Func7on
Shelf life
- client-id / google analytics
Google analy7cs
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
understand user behaviors
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
understand user behaviors
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Dialogue with users directly on the site
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Send ques7onnaires to users
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Have more informa7on on technical problems that occur
is browser-based: by default in- finite life time
Some Cookies do not require your consent, such as :
the Site for the purpose of op'mizing editorial choices.
➢ Acceptance or refusal of Cookies subject to your express consent
All other cookies require your consent. These are Adver'sing Cookies and certain Audience Analysis
Cookies. You may freely choose to accept or decline the use of these Cookies.
You can accept or refuse these Cookies during your first naviga'on on the Site.
Your choices to accept or decline cookies will be retained for a period of six (6) months.
You are free to withdraw your consent and more generally to modify your preferences at any 'me, via the following link.
➢ Your browser segngs
It is also possible to set your browser to accept or reject certain cookies. Each browser offers different configura'on op'ons:
- For Internet Explorer: go to the "Sepngs" menu, then "Internet Op'on". Click on "Privacy" and then "Advanced Privacy Sepngs";
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2019 -2024 EDM REKORDS - All Rights Reserved.
We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data.